Cancer Informative Speech

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I know that cancer is a deadly disease and you would want to do all you can to prevent it from happening, especially to your two daughters. There is a variety of genetic testing that you can use to your advantage to check for breast cancer, which I would not blame you for using. However, before you go off and have your daughters tested for cancer, please note that these tests may be unnecessary and there is a possibility that you are wasting money. I will tell you about what I have learned from biology class and from my research, accompanied with a few examples. I will start off with what genes may induce cancer. One gene called the proto-oncogene, is a normal cell that codes for proteins that maintain the growth of the cell and reproduction (Mandal, 2014). However, if the sequence of its DNA is altered in any way, it will produce a protein that would interfere with the regulation of the cell, causing it to over produce by dividing and growing uncontrollably. Because of this mutation and boost in gene expression, the proto-oncogene becomes an oncogene, which can activate cancer cells. One example would be the Myc gene. This is a proto-oncogene that codes for transcription factors. If the sequence of this gene were changed, it would result in high production rates of these transcription factors, contributing to the formation of tumors. A tumor suppressor gene, on the other hand, …show more content…

I will discuss the pros and cons first. BRCA testing can help identify early signs of cancer for individuals that do not have cancer. With that, they will be able to consult with a doctor and determine the best option for their situation. Negative test results can provide peace of mind and relief. A few risks of BRCA testing include financial impacts and emotional distress (Howard-Mcnatt, 2013). If someone is tested positive for the BRCA tests, it can greatly affect their way of thinking, their health, and their

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