Canadian Health Care System: Evaluating the Positive and Negative Aspects

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The health care system in Canada seems to be a well-functioning system, but is it really? The negatives of the system are rapidly growing and the positives of the system are decreasing in the eyes of Canadian citizens. This paper will weigh the positive and negatives of Medicare, followed by a personal response on what could be fixed in order to make the system better than it is now. The positives of our health care system are great aspects to have, but the system is beginning to show many signs of attrition because of it (Simpson, 2012). Each individual should be charged for a doctor’s service, as it may resort in less wait times and decreased costs in taxes.
Due to Canada having free health care, many people see it as a positive economic system. All citizens are treated equally, which leaves them to be undeniable through any type of health care treatment (Lindenberg, 2012). No matter what the medical problem is, a clinic/hospital will ensure that that patient will receive the proper medical attention needed. Citizens receive a more enhanced treatment by doctors for a smaller price. For example, if a patient comes into a health clinic with something as little as a broken bone or stitches they will receive excellent care for an affordable price or even better, no price at all (Public Healthcare Service, 2014). Individuals have the luxury of accessing any hospital or medical clinic with no hassles. This means they have a variety of choices as to where they can go for medical services without being denied treatment. They also receive great benefits on prescription drugs and other medical products. If they’re not free, they’re much cheaper than other countries such as the United States (Public Healthcare Service, 2014). ...

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...s a large variety of medical clinics/hospitals in Canada (Public Healthcare Service, 2014).
The negative aspects of health care show us the many different issues brought up today. One of the biggest issues of Medicare is the extended wait times. This is because of the people who consistently take advantage of the health care system by going to hospitals for issues that could be treated by a doctor in a medical clinic (Ireland, 2013).
Another big issue is that health care is technically not free in Canada, as it comes out of our taxes each year. This means that every individual is paying for another individual’s health care (Formosa Post, 2013).
Lastly is my response, which basically states that each person should be responsible for paying their own health care in the hopes that wait times will decrease along with the outrageous costs in our taxes each year.

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