Canada's Environmental Policy Analysis

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The Secrets of Canada’s Environmental Policies

For years, Canada has been a global leader in its cultural policies, where it has acknowledged the importance of cultural diversity and develops new ideas to promote it. (Canada Culture in a Global World, 2015, para.2) However, when it comes to its environmental policy, Canada has fallen behind. This reflects from its rising effects of fossil fuels and its terrible decision making when it comes to protecting the environment. Canada is not a global leader in terms of environmental policies due to its high fossil fuel production, its agreement with the Keystone Pipeline, and its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol Treaty.

First of all, Canada is one of the world’s largest per capita greenhouse …show more content…

In the first place, it had threatened beautiful landscapes due to its distance from Alberta, Canada to Gulf Coast of Texas. Not to mention that it would also cut through the heart of prime wildlife habitat which consists of over 20 imperilled species. (Care2, 2012, para.3) This 1,660 miles long pipeline would have expanded the destruction of Canada’s boreal forest. Since tar sands oils is the dirtiest oil on Earth, producing it would meaning the consequences would visible in the environment. Thousands of acres of boreal forest would be destroyed; hundreds of millions of gallons of water would be polluted. (Care2, 2012, para.3) Simply put, the Keystone Pipeline XL worsens climate change and jeopardizes rivers, streams, and wildlife. Since Canada had an agreement with this proposed plan, it shows why it is not a global leader in it environmental …show more content…

According to studies, it showed that this treaty would enable high-tech and construction industries, create more jobs, and reduce the production of air pollution. (Suzuki, 2014, para.4) Harper’s decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol had a large impact on Canada’s environmental policies. When environment minister Rona Ambrose lost her job, Harper took thoughts in his own personal level. The Conservatives stated that they were willing to reduce the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions, but not the level of emissions that would have impact on the oil sand expansion plan. (Ibbitson, 2012, para.8) Soon after, it was clear that Canada would never meet the Kyoto Protocol commitments. In 2011, the new Environment Minister Peter Kent, announced Canada’s withdrawal from the Treaty. Canada’s decision to withdraw makes sense why it is not suitable for the title as a global leader in environmental policies.

In conclusion, Canada has not deserved the title as a global leader in its environmental policies because of its large amount of fossil fuels production, its approval of the Keystone Pipeline, and its resignation from the Kyoto Protocol Treaty. In this mind set, Canada should strive for better ways to improve their methods and decision making skills for the betterment of the country’s environmental policies. As well as informing Canadian citizens about this issue to get the whole nation

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