Canada's Duty

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There are a numerous amount of people in the country of Canada in general agreement that the citizens should fulfill a duty to the country. Many Canadians debate on whether this duty includes putting yourself at risk to die for the country. The subject is a very grey area with many differing stances and potential ways of approaching it. The debate between dying for one’s country and not can be quite a splitting topic. One’s allegiance to the country could possibly be questioned by some if they were to answer that they wouldn’t die for their country. It doesn’t necessarily mean that they are against the interests of the country, but for example, you wouldn’t vote for a prime minister/president who is not willing to die for his/her country. I disagree with the notion that one of the duties of Canadians would be to risk your life for the country, and I think there are alternatives to fulfill responsibilities for the country. Under no circumstances would I risk my life for the sake of the country. …show more content…

It certainly is an outstanding selfless act to be able to sacrifice your entire being for the sake of something you believe in, but I think this specific reason for doing so is solely for those who are religious. If you value your life and potential experiences of life more than your nationalistic tendencies for your country, then you wouldn’t risk the chance of death for the benefit of the country. For instance, those who align themselves with nihilism believe that there is no meaning to life, which adds to their justification to not die for

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