Canada's Contribution To The Great War

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When the Great War broke out, Canada initially joined to help support Britain and show their loyalty to the British Empire. Evidently, Canada gained and contributed immensely to the war effort. Canada’s most important contribution to the World War 1 is the battle of Vimy Ridge. This is demonstrated by examining the new tactics and techniques used in the battlefield, Canada accomplishing more in 4 days than the French and British in two years, and finally, Vimy led Canadians to lead further assaults in many other crucial battles. Foremost, the use of new effective tactics and techniques made this Canadian battle of Vimy Ridge a massive contribution to the war effort. Lieutenant General Sir Julian Byng set out Sappers, who were military engineers, …show more content…

For the first time in World War I, Canadians fought together on the same battlefield and they accomplished a spectacular victory in Vimy. Vimy Ridge was followed by other Canadian victories, some of them even greater feats of arms ( Cook,n.d.). Led by Arthur Currie, Canadian Corps commander after Julian Byng was promoted, Canada went on to win a greater victory at Lens in which Canadians captured Hill 70. Like before the smarter tactics used in Vimy was carried-out in following Canadian battles ( Cook, n.d.). As well Canada’s role in Vimy not only contributed to future battles but also allowed Canada to become more important on a global scale and won Canada a separate seat on the Versailles Treaty ending the War. The overwhelming success of Vimy gave Canada the confidence to partake in other wars, such as World War II ( Markus, n.d.). The Canadian troops had proven themselves as brave soldiers and masters of offensive warfare and overall this accomplishment had a massive effect on Allied planning ("The Battle of Vimy Ridge Fast Facts - Canadian National Vimy Memorial - Memorials In France - First World War Memorials Overseas - Memorials Overseas - Memorials - Remembrance - Veterans Affairs Canada", n.d.). The battle of Vimy Ridge was a great Canadian contribution, but most importantly the events of Vimy resulted in many more important

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