Canada and Quebec's Conflict

1972 Words4 Pages

Canada and Quebec's Conflict

Canada and Quebec have always been in conflict from the confederation of 1867 to the Supreme court judgement on the secession of Quebec in 1998. Quebec faces several challenges in terms of constitutional relations with the rest of Canada. Quebec is seeking a special status to preserve and protect its culture and language, while the rest of English-speaking Canada accepts the view of provincial equality. There have been attempts to recognize Quebec's concerns through constitutional amendments, but these attempts have not lived up to Quebec's expectations and for the most parts have failed. Quebec has threatened Canada throughout history with separation from Canada. These threats have not been ignored, the rest of Canada realizes the devastating impact economically and politically if Quebec did separate but they cannot reach a compromise. Canada has as tried to encourage Quebec not to separate from Canada. In 1995 Quebec held its second referendum on sovereignly and the separatists narrowly lost the province wide. The province brought the case to the Supreme court of Canada to rule on the legal guidelines of unilateral secession under Canadian and international law, in the end some say the federalists (those not wanting to separate) came out on top. In this essay I will discuss the various historical attempts made by government to keep Quebec a part of Canada. I will also attempt to explain the impact of the Supreme Court Ruling on the Quebec secession. Many argue that the federalist won in the decision but that statement is debatable. Both Quebec and the rest of Canada won in the ruling. I believe that English Canadians should spend some time getting to know their French neighbors and vice ...

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... separate from Canada? Each time Quebec has held a referendum it always included a clause to maintain some type of relations with Canada. I wonder what would be the majority vote be if there was to be no relations with Canada once Quebec became a independent state? My guess is Quebec would not be separating. According to Conway in his book ‘Debts to Pay' he claims that we owe it to Quebec to preserve the language and culture because throughout history we English Canadians have treated French speaking Canadians harshly and because they are unique in their language and culture. He believes it's time for English speaking Canadians to step up to the plate and give Quebec what they deserve. I'm not quite sure if I agree with him that we owe the French speaking Canadians , however I am sure that all Canadians have to work together to make Canada a better place to live.

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