Canada Goose Case Study

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The Numbers Behind the Canada Goose IPO The trendy winter apparel company Canada has provided important information relating to its upcoming IPO (Initial Public Offer), with it indicating that its objective is to obtain approximate $240 million in funding through the move. The company will be floated on the NYSE with the “GOOS” ticker and has 20 million shares on offer at the price range of between $10.50 and $12. The company began operations more than 60 years ago, but has only recently made a name for itself within the competitive fashion world with its chic $900 Parkas, ideal for the urban audience that it so effectively targets. Success came about through the efforts of very effective marketing campaigns, supported by notable celebrity endorsements. Canada Goose has not only grown rapidly but also managed to remain profitable. Its presence in markets such as China, the US, and Europe is at this time very limited, but this also means that it can claim that its growth rate will continue to push forward because of these markets. However, its long-term outlook has been called into question, with some even raising doubts over the credentials of the Canada Goose IPO. Underlying Problems Come to the Surface Noted in its SEC filing, Canada Goose’s revenue …show more content…

The recent trend of selling stock but attaching limited voting rights is being followed by Canada Goose. Investors should, therefore, examine carefully the voting rights of the stocks retained by Bain in comparison to the voting rights of their stock purchase. It is under Bain Capital management that Canada Goose has racked up $278 million in debt and this position limits its growth prospects. The IPO funds raised have been earmarked to be used to pay this debt. While necessary, it is not a good start for a company that wants to

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