Can There Be A Broad Line Between Certainty And Doubt

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Throughout one’s mind there presumes to be a broad line between certainty and doubt. When in actuality there is a minesquel line dividing the two, which is solely dependent on the situation at hand. In many situations there is not always a black or white way with the way you endure aspects of life. British author William Lyon Phelps, once said “If you develop the absolute sense certainty that powerful beliefs provide, then you can get yourself to accomplish virtually anything…” a positive and optimistic attitude is a fortifying factor in achieving a desired goal... doubt is a beneficial factor. Bertrand Russel, British author and mathematician, once said “I think you ought to always entertain our opinions with some measure of doubt...” The value of doubt is immeasurable, …show more content…

Solely having only doubtful ideas brings about the more negative factors which, cause one to ultimately veer away from the effects of achieving the desired goal. Living with the constant assumption that “if you can believe it you can achieve it” causes the possible setbacks to diminish from one's mine. Just as when Apple first introduced the new Iphone. At first the corporation was hopeful that their product could become successful but simultaneously they took into the account the ways that could deteriorate success, for example, with the launch of a new product, critic’s views and competing companies, will be obstacles a company is forced to endure. Apple anticipated defeat but also worked to improve upon the Iphone in order to be certain of its success. Eliminating the factors that could weaken the effectiveness of a goal is a key step in reaching one’s goal. As a result the launch of the Iphone is to this day, one of the most revolutionary devices at our fingertips. This target could not have been obtained without focusing on the crucial factors of success: certainty and

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