Camp For Kids With Autism Offers Extreme Therapy By Rabindranath Tagore

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Rabindranath Tagore said “You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.” This quote means that for something to happen you can’t just wait and watch your life unravel before your eyes, you have to take action and make something happen if you want something it to. I agree with this statement because most things won’t happen for you so if you want something to happen you have to do it for yourself but, if you are really scared you should try to take the risk and make something happen yet if it doesn’t feel right for you don’t do it because no one is fit to do everything life has to offer. Standing and watching doesn’t get you anything including with extreme sports. You have to experience the sport for yourself not just …show more content…

Like with the Everest film, you don’t get the accomplishment just by them reaching the top and making it through all the obstacles that they faced, it just makes you want to do it and experience it for yourself. Also with the article “Camp for Kids with Autism Offers Extreme Therapy” by John Donovan, the kids don’t get the help they need if they just watch the other kids do it, watching is just motivation for them to keep going so they can excel in life. Another example from “A Solemn Warning to Wingsuit Flyers” by Lola Jones, is “Today Geoffrey Robson is dead,” which wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t actually partake in the sport, because then he wouldn’t have made the mathematical error that killed him. However, Geoffrey Robson loved what he did so he didn’t die miserably and probably wouldn’t have done anything different except fix his error if he could go back in …show more content…

An example is, if you want to be an olympic athlete you have to train and push yourself, you cannot just watch the olympics and decide you are an olympic athlete. But, with extreme sports people think watching it is enough because they are scared to do it in real life. Everyone who thinks that should just take the risk and do it if they really want to and get over the fear, the best way to get over it is to face it. Then, you get even more of a sense that you accomplished something because you also conquered your fear. The main point is, watching gets you nowhere in life so take a few risks and see where it gets you, it may help you and it may hurt you, but you’ll never know unless you try. Extreme sports aren’t just doing it for the risk though, try something that you have an interest in and you are willing to put in the time to train and prepare for so it is safe and

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