Cambrian Explosion Essay

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Life consists of many different eras and stages where life developed and evolved. In fact, life as we know would not exist if we had not evolved over many time epochs. Through numerous mass extinctions, life has persevered. While life progressed in all the different eras, the most important ones were the Paleozoic and Cambrian Eras. 541 million years ago, the most important revolutionary event in the history of life occurred. This event, later named the Cambrian Explosion, began in the Paleozoic era, and “refers to the sudden appearance in the fossil record of complex animals with mineralized skeletal remains” (Royal Ontario Museum); the Cambrian Explosion lasted 53 million years. In the fossil record, the marks where worms made horizontal Large amounts of reef building organisms died out. Because ofany hypothesize that this was due to short-term depletion of oxygen. This depletion could have been caused by an upwelling of cooler water from deep ocean areas. ‘This upwelling eventually resulted in a variety of marine environments ranging from the deep ocean to the shallow coastal zones. Scientists hypothesize that this increase in available ecological niches set the stage for the abrupt radiation in life forms commonly called the “Cambrian Explosion”(Bagley). “It was once thought that Cambrian rocks contained the first and oldest fossil animals, but these are now found in the earlier Ediacaran (Vendian) strata” (Waggner/Collins). While the Cambrian rocks did not have the first fossils, they did have the most variety of fossils for their time. Among the animals that evolved during this period were the: chordates, brachiopods, and They examined how much iron, molybdenum and other metals were in the environments. “These proxies seemed to indicate that oxygen concentrations in the oceans rose in several steps, approaching today's sea-surface concentrations at the start of the Cambrian, around 541 million years ago — just before more-modern animals suddenly appeared and diversified. This supported the idea of oxygen as a key trigger for the evolutionary explosion ”(Fox). Researchers conclude that the earth was covered with ice, and large glaciers prior to the Cambrian Explosion. This is also referred to as Snowball Earth. The sheet of ice and large glaciers would have hindered the amount of sunlight the algae and cyanobacterial mats would receive, as well as limit the number of evolutionary possibilities in the sea. Following this line of thought, it would be responsible to assume that large expanses would begin to be capable of life once the glaciers began to

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