Cambodia Research Paper

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How Cambodia’s Past Made Their Present and future.
Cambodia isn’t really thought of when people are asked to think of a foreign country, they usually think of China or India. Cambodia is a southeastern country located between Vietnam and Thailand. Imperialism, capitalism and wars have really changed Cambodia, from the government, to the civilians.
The Vietnam war contributed the rise of the radical Communist movement that ravaged Cambodia three decades ago in one of the bloodiest episodes of mass killing in the last century, killing around one and a half million people from 1975 to 1979. When Cambodia was bombed by the U.S. and caused the destruction equivalent to five hiroshimas, it killed about half of a million people, pretty much starting at year zero. Because of this genocide, Cambodians adopted traditional ceremonies to respect those who have died in the genocide and commonly perform these rituals with the …show more content…

These plantations, owned by french companies, produced some of the highest quality rubber in the world. Over tens of thousands of Vietnamese migrated into Cambodia to work on the plantations and in small industries and fill the lower ranks of the civil service. Beginning in 1918, thousands of acres were planted with rubber trees in eastern and northeastern Cambodia, often adjoining similar plantations in southern Vietnam.
When World War Two broke out, in Europe in 1939, IndoChina was cut from France, a situation that got worse when France surrendered to Germany in 1940. Japanese forces at war in China had been pressing against the northern frontier of Vietnam. In 1941, with French permission, several thousand Japanese troops came to be stationed in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. Soon afterward, Thai armies attacked Cambodia, hoping to capitalize on French military weakness to reign the “lost” provinces of Battambang and Siem

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