Camaraderie In All Quiet On The Western Front

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During war camaraderie acts as a safety net for soldiers and helps them survive. In Erich Marie Remarque’s novel, All Quiet on the Western Front, comradeship acts as a refuge for the soldiers in Paul’s regiment. During times of rest these soldiers assist their comrades in survival. They do this by feeding and showing love to one another, and without each other survival is almost impossible. During times of uncertainty camaraderie prevails. The soldiers are always there to pick one another up and dedicate themselves to staying with each other during difficult times. Camaraderie is strongest during battle. Their comrades mean more than life to these soldiers, and even enemies and strangers can become comrades during war. Thus, because soldiers …show more content…

Paul says, while Kat and him are roasting the goose, “we have a more complete communion with each other than even lovers have.” (Remarque 94). This shows the strong and unbreakable relationship that forms during the war; and it is stronger than love, and without it they would surely die. Espirit de corps is described as “the finest thing that arose from the war.” (27). This shows that the common goal of the war is what has unites them and brings them to overcome it. The death of Kat destroys Paul and afterwards Paul “know(s) nothing more” (129) and he soon dies afterwards. This shows the importance of comradeship because without it a soldier cannot …show more content…

During Paul’s time trying to survive behind enemy lines he says his comrades are “more to me than life… than motherliness… than fear; they are… the most comforting thing”(212). This further supports the fact that comrades are what help Paul traverse through the war, because just the thought of them helps him survive during this time. Paul says to Gerard that he is his comrade and he “did not want to kill (Gerard) (223). Gerard is his comrade because he suffers war just as Paul does and he calls him comrade to comfort Gerard and to take the fear from Gerard, his new comrade. During an attack Paul comforts a recruit who “like a child creeps under (Paul’s) arm, his head close to (Paul’s) breast.” (61). This is an example of how comrades help each other during times of battle and in this case it is by comforting which helps the recruit survive that

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