Callous-Disruptive Behavior Essay

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According to the fifth revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)(2013), Conduct problem (conduct disorder) refers to a childhood mental disoggrder in presence of repetitive and persistent pattern of behaviors which violate the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate norms. The problem involves a spectrum of antisocial and aggressive attitudes, causing numerous defiant and disruptive behaviours. Among numerous subpopulations of conduct problems, “callous-unemotional” (CU) traits are described showing a distinct fearless temperamental style and deficits in regard to emotion processing (Frick & White, 2008). Interestingly, a specifier of the subgroup are claimed to have the ability to improve diagnostic power, treatment options, as well as to increase the understanding life-course outcomes in children (Barry et al., 2000). In the following essay, we will discuss the effect of identifying “callous-unemotional” towards the understanding of the development of antisocial behaviour in children based on its causes, symptoms and effects. Furthermore, the implications for diagnosis and treatment of childhood disruptive behaviour disorders will be also proposed in the later parts of the article. To begin with, continuous debates towards the scientific condition of …show more content…

They also tend to be less sensitive towards punishment cues, lack remorse and guilt (Frick & Dickens, 2006). Importantly, these temperamental characteristics of the CU traits, according to Frick and White (2008), could provide clues to distinct neural mechanisms which may help explain the genetic diathesis to the antisocial behaviour in this group of young children. For instance, studies have suggested that the specific emotional and cognitive problem in CU traits

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