California Condor Research Paper

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California condor, the largest flying bird in North America area, is now defined as endangered species. The term endangered species refer to species threatened with extinction by changes in its environment. The condor as scavengers, no matter how dangerous they may sound, are the essential member of our ecosystem (Verner, 1978). However, the population of the California condors decreased tremendously during the late 1970s, with only 22 reported alive worldwide in the year 1982-1983 and only nine in the wild by 1985. It was the lowest recorded number of this creature (Church, 2006). And the habitats also shrunk from several locations to only California area. The Condor was then added to the endangered species list of the United States. Moreover, Condor comes under the category of critically endangered (CR) species which is the most severe category under conservation status subjected to species at the highest risk of extinction. Since then various organizations and societies are working on conserving this creature and bringing it back to wildlife.(USFWS, N.D.) Condor that people talks about can be classified into two categories: Andean condor of South America and California condor of North America. Although they classified into two genera, they are close enough to have a similar ecology. Andean Condors are …show more content…

California condor is also black with very fewer feathers. The color of its’ bald head, which equipped with a pair of reddish brown eyes, varies from white to purple. Unlike Andean Condor who has a grayish white lining on their wings, California condor has bold white coatings at their underwings area (Houston, 2001). The weight of this massive creature is around 18lbs to 31lbs while a fully-grown-up adult California condor can stretch its wings to about 2.7 meters compare to 3.2 meters for Andean condor. It can fly as high as 4,600 meters (15,000

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