Caitlin Tucker 5 Tips For Managing Mobile Devices Summary

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In “5 Tips for Managing Mobile Devices”, Caitlin Tucker outlines how to effectively integrate student owned devices into the classroom. Schools face increasing demands to keep lessons technologically relevant in technologically deficient environments. Technology is one area that seems to always be lacking in public school classrooms, and funding cannot pace the rate at which technological advances are made. One way to combat this issue is to utilize a resource that most students have with them on a daily basis: cellular devices. As more and more schools are becoming wireless, all students would need to do is sign into the school’s wireless network to have free access to the Internet. Critics argue that this will lead to “distractions” and will cause “behavior and discipline issues”. Tucker, in response, points out that, in our society, mobile devices are “lifelines” and integrating them into the classroom will allow educators and administrators to teach valuable life skills that will extend far beyond the classroom walls. …show more content…

The strategies, as outlined by Tucker, will help ensure that students are able to enhance their education through mobile device usage as opposed to detract from it. Teaching in a classroom where the computer to student ratio is one to eight, any insight to improve students’ access to Internet based information is welcomed. Although the parameters discussed in the article are focused primarily on high school classrooms and students, with minor adjustments, the concept can easily be applied in the middle school or elementary school

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