Caesar's Responsible Government

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The question of how to effectively govern an empire with a diverse population under its dominion has been the greatest question since antiquity when the Greeks first developed the polis. The Roman Empire is suffering from a conflict of differing ideologies: whether it is best to employ a centralized or decentralized government structure. Such a conflict is important to resolve, as an improper structure could eventually result in a catastrophic suffering if not dealt with immediately, and appropriately. As citizens of the Empire, we have to find a way to most effectively govern this nation and its subsidiaries while maintaining stability. In 44 BC Caesar was named dictator for life, and he posed several reforms, including a new constitution. Caesar had three major goals mind when he decided to free Rome, the greatest Empire since the Alexander the Great’s, from corruptive and dangerous practices of patricians unfit to hold and exercise immense power responsibly: to suppress all armed resistance in the provinces, and thus bring back order to the Empire; to create a strong central government in Rome and for the Empire; and to weave together the entire Republic into a single cohesive unit. …show more content…

This centralized government will bring with it, the unity of Rome and its provinces, and thus will serve as a strengthening mechanism for the empire. If the people of the provinces have a sense of shared ownership in the Roman identity, then there will be a stable connection through out the Empire which will safeguard against any type of revolts or civil wars and thus ensure the growth and prosperity of all the Empire’s peoples. Having a strong central government and laws that are upheld through out the empire is not only the most effective way to govern, but is of immediate necessity and of the utmost

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