C. A. L. M. O By Gregg Henriques: Article Analysis

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In his article entitled “Turn Your Critical and Controlling Inner Voice into A C.A.L.M. M.O.” Gregg Henriques, Ph.D. presents a solution to internal negative feedback loops caused by one’s response to stressful or off-putting stimuli. He begins by explaining that humans have two streams of consciousness: one that reacts and one that reflects on the actions made by the former. By falling into the trap of thinking that one is not allowed to be weak or sensitive, he elaborates that many people will justify negative responses such as avoidance or repression of emotions. However, he explains that when one is critical of their own emotions and responses to given situations, they aren’t really doing themselves any favors. He introduces the acronym of C.A.L.M. M.O. instead. …show more content…

He refers to his acronym as an “intervention” which can pull individuals out of the overly-critical voice playing in their heads. C.A.L.M. M.O. introduces a new inner voice: one that is curious, accepting, lovingly compassionate, and motivated to learn and grow rather than encourage defeat. Henriques demonstrates the practical use of the acronym by writing a fictional case study about a girl named Ashley. Ashley had chaos all around her; not only did she have a history of anxiety and depression, but she experienced many situations that would cause even a healthy individual stress. Instead of talking to somebody about her negative emotions, she internalized them, insisting that they were of no practical

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