Byzantine Achievement

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In 285 CE, the Roman Empire was divided in two by the Emperor Diocletian leading to the creation of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires. Although, in the coming centuries, the Western Empire would struggle, before ultimately falling into barbarian hands, the Eastern empire (today referred to as the Byzantine Empire) would continue to exist, and thrive until its ultimate fall in 1453 CE. The success of the Eastern Empire was due to the highly desirable trade location of the capital, Constantinople, and a powerful sense of nationalism within the empire. Between the historic reign of Justinian and the Great Schism of 1054 CE, more specific contributions in areas such as art, writing, and scholarship were achieved in the Empire. The contributions the Byzantine Empire made during this time not only preserved past knowledge, but also brought new ideas and styles that would influence first the west, and eventually, the world.

Art was a major area of achievement within the Byzantine Empire, and in no other area was more accomplished than in the creation of Christian inspired art. A fine example is the renowned 8th century piece, the Crucifixion of Christ, a piece that aims to display Christ as a royal figure, but also depicts his suffering and aids in teaching the central truth of Christianity; something dearly important to the Byzantine's.i In the St. Catherine monastery in Ravenna, monks painted stunning icons and mosaics such as the icon of Christ. In 867 CE, the Patriarch Photius installed a grand mosaic of Mary and Jesus within the Hagia Sophia. This mosaic remains important as one of the two dominant depictions of Mary and Jesus throughout the rest of history. Though the Byzantine's most famous works were inspired by Christianit...

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Nicol, Donald MacGillivray, Teall, John L. “Byzantine Empire.” Britannica Online Encyclopaedia Academic Edition. Accessed January 27, 2014. Retrieved From

“St Maximus the Confessor.” Orthodox Church of America. Last Modified January 21, 2014. Accessed February 20, 2014. Retrieved From

Editors of Encylopaedia Britannica “Saint Maximus the Confessor.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. Last Modified 2014. Accessed February 20, 2014. Retrieved From

“Who is Saint Maximus?” St. Maximus the Confessor Orthodox Mission. Retrieved From

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