Buzz Windrip

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“It Can’t Happen Here” the satirical play aggressively taunts tyrannical dictators and the sleeping public alike. While reading this piece, one must compare the practices of politician Buzz Windrip of our 45th president Donald Trump. The following argument is strengthened by examples in ACT 2 and ACT 3; these scenes are prominent examples of how Buzz uses his charismatic ability and easy access to the mind manipulation to appeal to the masses.
In ACT 2 Scene 2 B.W. opens the scene on November 1st approximately two days before the election. Buzz is guarded by the Minute Men (Citizens trained to defend practicing vigilantism) yet; the attention has transitioned to two men entering the scene. The first man mentioned is a Civil War Veteran known …show more content…

Publicly Trump has targeted the media countless times The New Yorker reports Trump tweeting, “Don’t believe the biased and phony media quoting people who work for my campaign, -- The only quote that matters is a quote from me!” Like Buzz, Trump has used the politicians touch to create his base of followers, and vigilantes alike. As far as Trump’s influence on the public, earlier in Trump’s campaign a video surfaces of a young African American Woman at a Trump rally being assaulted by Trump supporters, reports by witnesses’ claim she had been protesting, which led to the group of men like Matthew Heimbach who openly revealed to the New York Daily News that he assaulted the young lady, to physically remove her. Reports do not show if these men were united in any such form or fashion however, these men represent the Minute Men under Buzz Windrip’s premature reign. Much like PVT Dooley, and Bishop Prang Many people from ranging demographics have set their credibility on fire supporting Trump. The most recent example, Don King the boastful boxing announcer and promoter most commonly associated with the all-time great Mike Tyson, had recently made his association with President Trump known vouching for the candidate, King even went so far as to drop the “N Bomb” on the platform in front of many of Trump’s supporters. While PVT Dooley and Bishop …show more content…

Buzz promised $5,000 to anyone who voted for him ultimately allowing his mass appeal to increase heavily, especially by people who had no interest in voting in him beforehand. Similarly, Trump also makes an outrageous promise. If one can remember “the Wall”, Trump promised if elected to “shield” the border of Mexico which in turn would allow Americans to get all the Jobs the Immigrants “stole” from them. Politico.Com reports President Trump as quoted “We will build a great wall along the southern border — and Mexico will pay for the wall, -- 100 percent. They don’t know it yet, but they're gonna pay for the wall.” In addition, BBC reports that the wall will cost $25 billion essentially building a blockade of about 1,900 miles (3,100 km) over a 10-15 year span, A president can only serve for eight you do the

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