Business Law Degree

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What Can You Do With A Business Law Degree?

Business law basically deals with all the myriad legal aspects of the running of businesses. Business

(corporate) lawyers generally deal with the legal vagaries of acquisitions, mergers, reorganizations, and

disputes between corporations and/or individuals concerning copyrights and patents, the functioning of

organizations in relation to state and international law, liabilities, malpractice, and more.

If the charged atmospheres of shows like Boston Legal and The Good Wife and, dare we mention it, LA

Law, call to you, you’re definitely considering a legal career. If you want all of that excitement, but with

more money, a degree in business law might suit you to a T. You coursework will …show more content…

Those who want a

career in Law but are not too enamoured by the more prevalent-on-TV types of lawyering can consider a

career in Business/Corporate Law. This career can come in the following shapes and sizes.

Business attorneys represent companies in all legal dealings, civil or criminal. Most corporate cases

settle outside the courtroom, but when they don’t, companies call in corporate litigation attorneys, who

tend to specialize in arguing cases in a court. Litigation attorneys also tend to specialize in the areas of

cases they work with, such as those who work mainly with pharmaceutical companies or intellectual

Corporate counsels work in-house with companies to advise on business law. They are also in charge of

all legal content the company requires, such as contracts, legal contracts, etc. They are involved in policy

making, risk management, human resources and every other area of the functioning of a corporation

that might need legal advice or intervention.

Paralegals, unlike counsels and attorneys, do not need to be licensed to practice law, or to have cleared

a bar exam. Their job is to aid corporate lawyers in duties such as drafting contracts,

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