Business Expansion In Canada

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Business expansion is a sign all your hard work is finally paying off. After all, expanding the business is a sign of growth and success.
Expansion is also rife with potential problems. It often presents many challenges and obstacles, particularly if you’re expanding internationally.
One of the best things you can do in any expansion situation is to be aware of the obstacles you may face. Once you’re aware of them, you’ll be able to plan and strategize how you’ll overcome them. Here are a few of the obstacles you’ll likely encounter as you try to expand your business into Canada.
Government Agencies
Like any other country, Canada’s governments keep a close eye on the businesses operating within their borders. The provincial governments require …show more content…

Discover which government agencies govern the industry you operate in and familiarize yourself with their rules.
Business Structure and Tax Efficiency
Once you know you’ll be legally allowed to operate in Canada and which products or services you’ll be able to deliver, you’ll need to think about how you’re going to structure your business. You want to pick the most tax efficient structure for your operations to maximize benefits to the business.

Selecting the right business structure is important if you want to achieve tax efficiency. Study up on the different types of business structures available to you in the province you’ll be operating in. If you’re not sure, consult with the experts and get some advice about what makes sense for your business.
One of the more infamous cases of Canadian expansion is the story of US-based retailer Target. Target bought up most of the properties of a defunct Canadian retailer and opened about 100 stores to great fanfare. Then things took a turn for the worse, and within about a year, Target had shuttered the doors of its Canadian operations.
One of the largest challenges Target faced was logistics. Trouble in the supply chain meant its Canadian locations often had empty

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