Business Ethics Case Study: Genentech

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Fortune 100 is a 2015 list of the 100 of the nation’s most desirable of which companies to work. The list is compiled from the results of an employee survey and a culture audit. From the list I chose Genentech, private, subsidiary owned company and American Express, a public owned company. At first glance it is noticed that these companies are very different. Beginning with the fact that they are members of two different industries. () Genentech is biotechnology and pharmaceutical company that has an annual revenue of 16.3 billion dollars. The company’s primary function is to research and develop medications that save lives. (0)Genentech has approximately 12900 U.S. employs and 11 locations. The company was founded in 1976, has been on the Fortune 100 list 17 times. It currently ranks number nine on the list. As a biotechnology and pharmaceutical company, Genentech’s customers are patients with life-threatening diseases. Genentech states that it has developed Genentech's Commercial and Development Comprehensive Compliance Program. …show more content…

According to American Express the higher prices are used to pay for client incentive After losing the court case the company has vowed to continued its fight to have the American Express mission statement is Helping customers do more and achieve more We aim to provide products, services, benefits and rewards that deliver more value than any competitor. We focus on managing our business as efficiently as possible to continually improve the quality of our service and invest in growth We strive to always provide the world-class service and personal recognition that our customers expect from us Vision statement for American Express “We work hard every day to make American Express the world’s most respected service

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