Business Environment's Influence On The Sports Industry

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Discuss the influence of the business environment on the development of the sports industry. The sport industry is one of the largest and most successful industries, both in terms of popularity and the amount of money that circulates within it each year. For as long as humans have been around, sports has been around in one way or another. The development of sports, from brutal and vicious games such as gladiators in Rome to more civilised and controlled sports that we are used to watching or participating in today. Sports was originally used in military training by men who used sports to get fit and strong so they can protect their families and land or take over other people’s land and so it was a way of showing power and leadership. The Olympic Games were a huge influence on sports. The success they’ve had since their origin made way for sports to be invented and played more often. Also they sparked healthy international competition which gave the industry the opportunity to expand and touch as many lives as According to a financial report on the Sport England website, in 2010 the sports contribution £20.3 billion to the UK economy which is almost 1.9%. Also the sports industry employs over 400,000 people which is around 2.3% of the total workforce in the UK. These stats show the impact that sport has had on the economy and how sports has evolved from a leisure activity, played for fun, to being one of the largest and still growing industries all over the world. People with success in other industries have turned their heads to sports (football in particular) and decided to invest. Some of the most notable names in the world of business have tried their luck in football. Some of them did not find success where as others have gone on to achieve huge success both on the pitch, in terms of results and off the pitch in terms of

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