Business Communication: The Importance Of Corporate Communication

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 Definition of corporate communication
Corporate communication can be characterized as a management function that is responsible for overseeing and coordinating the work done by communication practitioners in different specialist’s disciples, such as media relations, public affairs and internal communication.
‘ Cornelissen 2017 ,p5 ’ corporate communication is a management function that offers a framework for the effective coordination of all internal and external communication with the overall purpose of establishing and maintaining favourable reputations with stakeholders groups upon which the organisation is dependent.
 Definition of each video
Corporate communications revolution
‘James Frayne’, describes the revolution that took …show more content…

 Airlines or any other company can use the public or a normal person in indorsements to generate income other than listen to a chief executive officer of the airline. The public want someone or something they can relate to when they listen, people who appear to not gain anything from their opinion.

Importance of cooperate communication
In the second video, various experts in different fields explain and describe the importance and relevance of corporate communications, how every period in time has a main issue, and right now, corporate communications is everything.
As well as how companies have changed their understanding of what corporate communications is, from supporting strategies that were already decided upon and now having the public support and take a strategy already decided upon. The challenge is getting support.
With the public being at the wheel of what a company’s image becomes according to their opinions on different media platforms.
 Encourages using strategic …show more content…

 Negative views of the PR industry as a whole are fuelled by the tendency of some big corporations to use agencies to deflect attention away from damaging commercial activity.

 The main purpose of corporate communications in this instance is to establish and maintain a favourable reputation with stakeholders and groups upon which an organisation is dependent.

 Negative public views of the industry are also fuelled by the activities of high profile spin doctors. Yet public relations can public relations can also be used in a positive manner. Such is being used as a tool of communication between governments, companies on one hand, as well as customers, citizen’s supporters on the other.
When it promotes communication, then it can be a force for good.
 The objective of building, maintaining and protecting the company’s reputation is actually the core task of corporate communication practitioners.

 Public relations professionals must understand the substance of an issue or situation before deciding how best to spin it to the public.

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