Bursitis Essay

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Bursitis is a common musculoskeletal disorder that can affect anyone. Most commonly, it affects those who are aged 40 years and older. This common musculoskeletal disorder occurs when the bursa becomes irritated or inflamed and causes pain. Every person has about 160 bursas in their body (Nordqvist, 2009). Bursa is a sac filled with synovial fluid that is located between tissues. Inside the fluid is collagen and proteins. This bursa is responsible for lubricating the joints when movement occurs to avoid harsh friction. Having the bursa decreases the chances of irritation. When a specific joint becomes overworked over a long period of time, the bursa sacs start to overflow with fluid, causing swollen and painful joints. Inflamed bursa …show more content…

It may also be caused by injury or other infections. In the field of dentistry, a dental operator who hunches his shoulders all day without moving may eventually end up bursitis. A dentist who uses incorrect posture is at high risk of suffering from bursitis. If the operator has been working as a dentist for many years, the tendons in his body will have weakened. When this happens, they lose their elasticity and become easier to tear. This type of injury could also result in bursitis. Acute bursitis can be caused by a direct blow that causes blood to leak into the bursa. When the bursa swells up, it causes pain to the body. When the bursa becomes infected, this is known as septic bursitis. "Staphylococcus aureus" is the most common bacteria that cause infection and inflammation to the bursa on the skin. A person who has diabetes or specific kidney infections may be more susceptible to suffering from septic bursitis. Men are more likely to be affected by septic bursitis than women. Someone who has rheumatoid arthritis is also at a higher risk of developing bursitis. This is because tiny crystals may develop inside of the bursa. When that happens, it causes bursitis. Gout and thyroid disorders are other conditions that increase a person's chances of having bursitis …show more content…

Improving the strength of the muscles also decreases the chance of getting bursitis. If a certain activity aggravates the area, then immediately stop what you are doing. Treating bursitis can be easy. You are not required to see a doctor and get a prescription. Over the counter medication will be able to treat bursitis. Anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and Tylenol can be taken daily to reduce the inflammation and treat the pain. If the bursitis is affecting areas such as the knees then the legs can be elevated. Ice is always recommended when inflammation and pain is experienced. Decrease the amount of stress and movement. Another way to help treat bursitis is to rest as much as possible. Avoid any activity that will disrupt the process of healing. Bursitis is not a lifelong disorder so following these steps for treatment will heal the affected body part as quick as possible. If a patient feels that their bursitis has not gone away after one week, then they may go see a doctor for more advice and helpful tips on how to overcome bursitis. The doctor may prescribe steroids to speed up the process of treatment. Steroids are used to lessen the inflammation and pain if regular over the counter medication does not help. Steroids are injected with a needle at the doctor’s office. It is injected at the area where bursitis is

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