Burnout Prevention Essay

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I have learned a lot in the last several months to the importance of having a burnout prevention plan. I realize the importance of not only having a burnout prevention plan but enacting it and following the plan. I also found that my plan left out many things that I have found were important for me and distressing.
I realize that a big area that I would need to improve on is the fact that I am not sure when to go about enacting my burnout prevention plan. I find that there are many different things that I find difficult and I feel myself coming into a burnout, however, I realize that for me it feels more like a crisis. I work so hard that I can think about what I need to do for myself until I need to take myself out of the situation, usually …show more content…

I will continue to listen to Harry Potter Audiobook, when I not only feel stressed but also before I see any of my clients. I find that this helps me relax better than anything I have done. The best thing I have found about this is that now even the thought of listening to the audiobooks relaxes me instantaneously. When I think about it I can hear the word in my head from the book that I was on. I used this technique anytime my head began to hurt, or I started to feel “pressure on my shoulders”. This has also helped me when I would listen to the audiobooks before the counseling sessions I had because I would after only three minutes of listening was ready to counsel without the extreme feeling of anxiety. This will highly benefit me in the future for it will allow me to relax to go into the counseling session with a clear mind and it would allow me to be present with the client. I used to have a hard time going into a session with a clear mind but after I made this plan it was easier to go into the session. Though I had listened to the book series 2 times since the beginning of the semester, and altogether I have read the full series 6 times, excluding the individual reading of the books before the full series was done. This makes it easy for me to close my eyes and hear the book in my head that way I do not have to take 5-10 minutes to locate and listen to

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