Burmese Pythons Research Paper

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According to National park services (2017) The Burmese Python is one of the largest snake species on earth. However, the Burmese Pythons have become an invasive species in the Everglades. Ultimately, Pythons are a threat to biodiversity in the Everglades. Pythons eat too many species and plants in the Everglades, they can reach up to 20 feet, and they prey on a variety of wildlife in the Everglades.

To begin with Pythons are harmful to the biodiversity in the Everglades because they eat too many species and plants. For example a study by Newsela found 3 deers in just one snakes belly. In addition “Big animals have big appetites.” -Newsela, meaning they eat too much in order to survive, when the animals become scarce

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