Bullying In The Workplace

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Bullying should be punished to the fullest extent. Bullying others at school, the workplace or by social media should have swift and severe consequences. These drastic punishments need to include; arrests, reprimands by employers resulting in termination, or expulsion from schools. Bullying cannot be tolerated in any way, shape or form. These are disgusting exploits of malicious behavior, terror and unnecessary violence. No one of any race, culture or status should have to endure the repercussions of these sense less acts. If we don’t take a stand to end this controversial issue, more people will get away with criminal activity, workplace harassment and child suicides.
Too often the news has reported children in our schools that have …show more content…

As an adult and a working woman, I myself have been bullied in the workplace. I took this to heart and was very upset about it because I was ultimately let go from a job, because of a jealous coworker. It took me a while to realize what the underlying reason for my termination was and why it happened. I pride myself on being a hard worker and I go by the book in everything I do. I have never had complaints about my performance before this one assignment. It shows how only one person can actually effect your life and career in such a profound way. This is all because one is jealous or threatened by you. As a nursing student and employed by a medical group as a Medical Assistant I see and hear experiences of others that work in the nursing homes that they see bullying on a daily basis. It’s either race on race or rank against rank. The Registered Nurses get bullied by the lower paid Certified Nursing Assistants. “The American Nurses Association (ANA) upholds that all nursing personnel have the right to work in healthy work environments free of abusive behavior such as bullying, hostility, lateral abuse and violence, sexual harassment, intimidation, abuse of authority and position and reprisal for speaking out against abuses” (Nursing World, n.d ). The positives about workplace bullying or violence, is that you can make your supervisor aware of the situation and if nothing is done to rectify the …show more content…

It has become a real issue in the last decade because of the rapid advances in social media. My Space was just one way to cyber bully someone in the past, now there is Facebook, Twitter and other avenues to use social media to bully someone. The problem with this type of bullying is that it can be harder to find the bully and prosecute someone who is behind a violent act. As we have seen many stories of people who make up fictious Facebook accounts and put fake names to attack the character of another person. It could be very demoralizing to the victim because Facebook is a billboard about a person. Once private information is out there, it is hard to erase. “Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying. More than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyber threats online. Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet. Well over half of young people do not tell their parents when cyber bullying occurs” (Facts about Bullying, n.d.). The only positive that I can see for cyber bullying is that, as a parent you can be diligent and always have the password to your child’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. Check and monitor their activity often and when you suspect things are not right on accounts you can immediately shut them

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