Bulimia Nervosa Research Paper

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Bulimia nervosa (BN) is an eating disorder characterized by binge eating and compensatory behaviors. Binge eating involves eating an excessive amount of food in a short amount of time without self-control for consumption. Then, compensatory behaviors follow the binge in an effort to preserve body image and to prevent weight gain. Such behaviors may include self-induced vomiting, misuse of laxatives or diuretics, dietary restriction, or excessive exercise (1). This disorder primarily affects women, and up to 15% of women suffer from either BN, Anorexia Nervosa (AN), or some other eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) within their lifetime (2).The diagnosis of BN can be classified as either a full disorder or a partial disorder (Table …show more content…

Between the ages of 16 and 20 is the period when most women begin binging and purging—about the time when these women begin leaving home for college. Up to 45% of adolescent girls claim to struggle with weight control, deem themselves as fat, or have hopes to become slimmer (5). Because of these excessive weight and shape concerns, young women restrict themselves from eating the proper caloric intake, and this is then followed by binge episodes. This, as a result of overeating, leads to various compensatory behaviors (6). Overall, women who have trouble maintaining their weight and food intake are at an increased risk for BN (7).Women who suffer from BN tend to also suffer from a poor self image. When negative emotions and negative self-evaluation are coupled together, women attempt to remove or to block such distressing emotions and cognitions. Thus, this disorder is characterized by secondary avoidance. Women with BN do not lack the ability to recognize simple minded tasks or cognitions. Yet, they do have impaired inference of their own and others’ emotions when it comes to interpersonal situations. Not only are these women more sensitive to negative emotions, but they also tend to respond to these emotions with rash and urgent behavior when they …show more content…

In fact, women with BN are four times more likely than women without BN to start using drugs or to binge drink (14). Though physical health is often maintained in BN patients, medical morbidity is typical. These morbidities include electrolyte abnormalities, parotid gland swelling, and loss of dental enamel (15). Still, the most serious complication associated with BN is suicide.Women with BN who have attempted suicide previously are at the greatest risk for taking their own lives. However, the risk of previous suicidal attempts tends to also include a previous low BMI as another risk for suicide among BN patients. This suggests that women who commit suicide may have suffered from AN prior to BN (16). Women with AN have higher rates of successful suicide attempts than do women with BN, possibly because AN sufferers are more physically compromised than those with BN. Thus, these women are much more likely to die. Still, attempted suicide remains one of the most reliable predictors for suicide risk (17). Therefore, because BN patients have a significant association with suicide independent of any comorbid conditions, the risk of suicide remains a prominent and escalating complication of this disorder. The article by Bodell et al. did not specify

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