Bud Not Buddy Chapter Summary

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Bud, Not Buddy is about a ten-year-old orphan boy named Bud Caldwell. After his mother's death, Bud was sent to an orphanage to live and was placed with a foster family who abused him. He escapes from the foster home after they locked him in a shed with hornets and spiders. He runs a couple of blocks and hides under a giant Christmas tree where his friend Bugs finds him. Bugs convince him to go on the “lam” and hop on a train going west. They end up in a Hooverville where Bud meets Deza Malone, who gives him his first kiss. The next day, Bud and Bugs wake up and race to catch the train to Chicago, but Bud misses it. After missing the train, he goes back to the Hooverville only to find the police burning it down. He returns to the giant Christmas

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