Brush Dry Skin

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How to Brush Dry Skin

Your skin is your body's largest organ and is responsible for eliminating over a third of your body's toxins. Body brushing is a fantastic way to eliminate these toxins by stimulating your lymphatic system, thus allowing the body to effectively detoxify. Steps to body brushing
1. Purchase natural bristle body brush. Do not use a brush with synthetic fibers as you may be allergic. Use a body brush with a long handle to comfortably and easily reach areas on your back.

2. Stand naked in the shower . The dead skin cells will fall in the shower and be washed away. Additionally, there are no clothes to get in the way. This is both convenient and sanitary.

3. Always remember to brush towards the heart. …show more content…

Brush several times in each area being sure to overlap brushing as you progress up towards your heart.

5. Be gentle when brushing the neck; do not brush the face with a body brush. Instead, use a softer bristle brush especially for dry brushing delicate skin on the face.

6. Dry Brush for at least five minutes. Many people feel energized after brushing so do it first thing in the morning before showering for best results. Does not dry brush too close to bedtime as it may leave you too energized to sleep.

7. After showering with a moisturizing soap, pat skin dry and apply natural oil (not baby oil or any type of oil containing mineral oil) such as organic coconut oil.

8. Dry brush once daily in the mornings for the best results . You may also do it in the afternoon.

9. Wash your body brush at least twice a week with hot soapy water and leave to air dry in a sunny area to avoid mold and mildew accumulation.

Regular body brushing will energize you and enhance overall well-being, including improved sleep and stress reduction. Women with cellulite will benefit greatly from body brushing. Cellulite is toxins trapped in pockets of fat close to the skin's surface. Brushing will assist break up fat in these areas and transport toxins to be eliminated through the lymphatic system. As a result, the appearance of cellulite is diminished and skin looks smoother. Skin as a whole will be healthier and revitalized. Pores will be unclogged and skin will be able to

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