Bruno's The Boy In The Striped Pajamas

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“I believe in the sun when the sun is not shining. I believe in love even when I cannot feel it. I believe in God even when He is silent.” This was written on a cellar wall in Cologne, Germany during the Holocaust (Day). The Boy in the Striped Pajamas was a book that was taken place during the Holocaust 1933-1945. It shows the different views of people throughout the Holocaust and the difficult situations that some of them went through.

Bruno’s friend Shmuel and the other Jews were treated less than human during the Holocaust. Once Bruno moved to the Out-With house the first thing he noticed was that there was no kids or neighbors unlike his old house in Berlin. Bruno soon began to investigate further in finding where all the people are at. Bruno then noticed a barbed wire fence which was very high and had huge wooden posts like telephone poles holding it up for support. (Boyne 31) That same day Bruno began to reveal what was inside the fence, it was people, not like Bruno though, they wore the same striped clothes that were grey striped pajamas with a grey striped cap on their heads. (Boyne 38) These people lived in huts that are only one floor
Such as when Bruno asked his father who the people on the other side of the fence were. Bruno’s father answered with “Those people…well, they’re not people at all Bruno.” (Boyne 53) Bruno uses these people as if they are nothing when he puts them in a sentence. For instance, when he says “He’d often seen the people from his side of the fence on the other side of the fence.”(Boyne 100-101) Another thing that could support this would be when Bruno and Gretel noticed that all the people outside or (in the fence) were boys, fathers, grandfathers, and Gretel wandered where all the girls were at! (Boyne 30) By isolating the Jews from their population the Jews lost all their freedom, family, and close

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