Bronislaw Malinowski Science Of Race

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Bronislaw Malinowski was a British anthropologist. He is known as the father of the functionalist school of anthropology. In addition Malinowski is known for his role in developing the methods and the primacy of anthropological fieldwork. ( Malinowski set the model for fieldwork. He had a long term study that was at least a year. Malinowski did not invent fieldwork by himself. Yet, all of his careful studies and genius observations he had made, popularized and revolutionized the importance of fieldwork. ( stated that “Malinowski vigorously emphasized the importance of immersing oneself deeply in the indigenous language or languages.” Malinowski studied the people he lived with personally. The value of studying not only what tribal members said about their religious beliefs, sexual practices, marriage customs, or trade relation ships but also measuring what tribal members did in their everyday life and how things played out was extremely important to Malinowski. Overall Malinowski had many theories and methologies along with many lectures and writings.( 3.) What was Franz Boas’ critique of the ‘science of race’? Describe his critique and provide at least TWO arguments of his about how ‘race’ …show more content…

For example, if you see someone dressed to a fashion style you don’t like and that is different than yours, you automatically judge them for it which is an example of ethnocentrism. According to the textbook, cultural relativism is “understanding a groups beliefs and practices within their own cultural context, without making judgements.” (Guest,

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