Broken Windows Theory: Community Policing

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Broken Windows Theory
Throughout the history of policing, police officers around the world have tried to find varying strategies to help fight crime. One of the theories that was developed was the Broken Windows Theory. Another strategy that was developed is Community Policing. These two strategies are some of the basic concepts of modern policing today. Using the Broken Windows theory and community policing within the schools and on the streets can help us attack crime at the lowest level possible and development a relationship within the community.
Broken Windows Theory
The Broken Windows Theory is just one of the strategies we use today in modern policing. The theory was created by James Q. Wilson in 1982. The theory states that if …show more content…

Serious crimes that occur in society today usually have a chain of events and history of crimes leading up to it. This theory is saying instead of attacking the crime at the highest level we instead break the chain at the lowest level where it’s the easiest to break and enforce. So instead of focusing on major crimes like murder and rape, first start by fixing the city start enforcing the little things like graffiti and noise complaints. Now this theory doesn’t always necessarily stop crime itself. It usually just pushes the crime out of the city and to a different location. A lot believe this theory for enforcing crime is a very “zero-tolerance” approach. That might be true but it’ll be zero-tolerance on low crimes. Now does this theory really work on the streets?
The Broken Windows Theory is a great theory on paper. Now in the real …show more content…

D.A.R.E. was a program created in 1983 by Chief Daryl Gates of the Los Angeles Police Department and the Los Angeles Unified School District. Trained officers go into schools and teach the youth about drugs and drug use prevention. By having a police officer go in and teach the students about D.A.R.E., its helps foster a relationship between the youth of the community and the police. This program allows kids to have a positive role model in their life and at the same time understand the consequences that will happen from using drugs. On top of building a relationship with the youth, this program has been proven to bring down the numbers in overall drug, tobacco, and alcohol use within the youth. Police departments also try to build their relationship with a community on the streets by participating in different programs in their

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