Brock Turner's Argumentative Essay

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Imagine going out with your college age sister to have a good time, you are 23 years old, completely legal. You drink a little to much, try to find your sister, but end up passing out behind an outdoor trash bin. You wake up in the hospital with pine needles everywhere and are told by doctors you were raped the night before. This sounds brutal right? Well what about having to relive every moment of that night for a whole year in a court case because your attacker can not own up to his actions. Having your personal life picked apart and criticized piece by piece in front of the everyone. Having your whole life and turned upside down because of one night, one moment, one person. This is what happened to the victim of Brock Turner. Your probably reading this and thinking, wow easy decision send him away for years, or at least she got …show more content…

See this is not an isolated case, things like this happen everyday, in every campus, every workplace, and time and time again women are treated horribly during trials and rapist are grated leniency because of sorry excuses. Does any of this seem fair to you ? Or do you think there’s a chance women are not being treated fairly? Some think that things like rape and sexual assault are rare occurrences, or only happen in certain places or circumstances, but that could not be more false. Every two minutes an American is sexually assaulted, that averages to about 288,820 sexual assault victims (12 and up) every year. One out of every sex women have been a victim of some sort of rape in her lifetime, and 94% of those women experience PTSD. The statistics aren't very favorable on the court side of things either, studies show that two out of three of rapes and sexual assaults go unreported and two of the biggest reasons for not reporting rapes and sexual assaults are feared retaliation, and belief the police

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