Brock Turner Rape Culture Essay

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It will come as a surprise to very few that the North American society we live in, raise our kids within, and work in is primarily founded on a patriarchal system of rule. We live in a society where political and social power is held by men, and women are reduced to an inferior position. Within this patriarchal system, key issues like sexual assault and rape are swept under the rug. Male sexual violence is normalized, with society blaming the victims of sexual assault and engaging in slut-shaming, objectifying women, and misogynistic language. This rape culture exists in society at large today, but in this paper I will explore the depth at which it occurs on university campuses and the lack of institutional action taken by authorities to address …show more content…

However, at the heart of university campuses exists an invisible rape culture that manifests itself in cases of sexual assault on campus. The case of Brock Turner highlights this widespread existence of sexual violence on campus as well the justice system’s inclination to conceal the issue. In the case, former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner was sentenced to six months in jail after being convicted of sexually assaulting an unconscious, intoxicated woman. This case gained widespread attention because of the light sentence Turner received, despite the unanimous verdict and evidence. The prosecutor argued that Turner was aware that the woman was drunk and knowingly took advantage of her, and that Turner was “the face of campus sexual assault”. This shows the prevalence of sexual assault at university as the incident took place on campus, and the offender was a student of Stanford University. Turner himself blamed the alcohol and party culture of today’s college campuses for the sexual assault. This is significant because he felt that the campus rape culture permitted him to act as he did and he should not be punished for acting according to campus norms, which shows the deep-rooted issue that students are unaware that the culture that exists is harmful to women and sexual assault should not be excused under any circumstances. Students engage in acts that perpetuate the system and then blame the rape culture present for their actions, instead of taking responsibility. The rape culture also reduces the severity of sexual assault as despite his actions, Turner “failed to exhibit remorse or responsibility for his conduct”. The survivor also called out the university and justice system for protecting Brock Turner because he was an athlete at a prestigious university. She

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