Britain and France's Policy of Appeasement

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Britain and France established the policy of appeasement in the 1930’s to reach an understanding to reserve peace by giving into the demands of Germany, led by Nazi Adolf Hitler. Many people shared Germany’s sorrow of the harsh conditions of the Treaty of Versailles and continued to allow Hitler to build up military forces and reconquer lost territory. Also, Britain and France were in no shape to even consider fighting against Germany after the economic crisis that followed through after World War I. However, Britain and France made the error of believing that by giving into the demands of Hitler, it would satisfy him enough and peace would ensure. But it seemed that these positions would only make World War II inevitable. Since most people deemed Hitler’s excuse for violating the Treaty of Versailles justifiable, and because of Britain and France’s policy of appeasement for peace, Hitler and his military forces took full advantage of the situation and kept conquering land, especially after the Munich Conference in 1938. At the Munich Conference, Britain and France gave Germany ful...

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