Bring Your Own Device Essay

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Bring Your Own Device programs do not seem like a practice that too many corporations in America will shift to. I always thing people in America are too lazy, BYOD seems like you will be doing homework for the rest of your life. It makes sense for management and higher up people. The general office workers I’m not so sure. For some people it would be very productivity for others, I’m not sure. People like to separate work from pleasure. “At the same time, 74% of US employees would ideally choose to have two separate phones for work and personal use, or one phone with two separate numbers. This highlights the gap between how employers are approaching BYOD work environments and what employees need in them.” Again you don’t want to over stress your workers, you would feel like all you do is …show more content…

You could be blamed for all kinds of programs, if you didn’t answer your phone or response to corporate needs timely. What happened to the days of wanting that corner office with the view over the city. When you mix regular employee with being in and out of the office, are they really pushing themselves that much had to achieve anything. I’d like to see a study that shows the number of promotions related to people who take part in a BYOD program verses those who don’t, in the same field of work. The only productivity increases some to be from people switching from out dated technology to newer personal devices with programs not available to them before as an employee. “Consider this likely scenario: A worker wants to turn in her corporate-owned BlackBerry in favor of her personal iPhone. She will enthusiastically personalize her iPhone with productivity tools and apps that deliver up-to-the-minute data, as opposed to the less-customizable BlackBerry.” (2) There seems to be some misinformation out there to promote the BYOD programs, I’m not so

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