Brian Robeson's Plane Crash

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Brian Robeson was a 13-year-old boy flying in a bush plane when something very bad happened, a tragedy, but there was nothing Brian could do, how could he survive now? Brian changed his life all because of a plane crash, he went from being a hateful and sad boy ruined by the secret and divorce between his parents, to a boy who could catch fish, make fire, hunt for animals, build a shelter, survive in the wild on his own, a boy was happy to be alive, a boy who was happy with how his life was.
First of all, Brian was very hateful and sad because his mother and father divorced and his mom was hanging out with a man in a station wagon and kept it a secret. Between pages 2-3 it states, “what he knew about his mother that caused the divorce-the …show more content…

On page 11 it states “Brian knew the pilot was having a heart attack,” on page 29 it states, at that instant the plane hit the trees and Brian crashed and swam to shore, Brian thought to himself “he was still alive.” Brian discovers how to make fire, by throwing his Hatchet at a cave wall that was made of flint, and seeing sparks fly everywhere, the fire made it so that Brian felt like he had a friend, someone to protect him and keep him company, he had warmth and someone to help him cook. On page 80 it states, Brian, threw his Hatchet at the sound but missed sending a shower of sparks creating a fire,”fire I've got fire!” Brian yelled, he had a friend, a hungry friend, a friend and a guard, Brian thought. One night a skunk came to Brian's cave and stole all his food, Brian realized that he had to be more alert and protect all his prized possessions, he couldn't just leave them outside, he had to build a better shelter to protect his food, he had to get in tune with the wild. On page 131 and states, the skunk had found all of Brian's food and ate it, Brian was paying the price, he had learned, protect food and have a good …show more content…

In the beginning, Brian was hateful and sad because of the divorce and secret between his parents, he was excited because the pilot was letting him fly the plane and he was panicked and scared because the pilot of the plane at a heart attack and died. The events that caused Brian to change were the plane crashing in the wild, him throwing his hatchet at the cave wall made of flint, and the skunk coming and stealing all of Brian's food. In the end, he was accomplished because he had achieved so many of his goals, he was skillful because he had done so many hard things, and he was open-minded because he had a different perspective of the wild. You never know what you were capable of until you are put to the big test, you might surprise yourself seeing what you can

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