Brene Brown Five Ideals

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Research professor, Brene Brown, tells us to embrace vulnerability or in other words, dare greatly. Our imperfections and vulnerability go hand in hand, but in a positive way. Brene Brown discusses how every day we go through emotional exposure and risk of failure but in a favorable manner. If we decide to not accept these daily challenges we will not grow into who we are meant to be. Brown also touches on the subject of wholeheartedness and its five ideals. Wholeheartedness is accepting yourself as worthy even with the flaws that we all possess. The five ideals summed up are each and every one of us desire belonging and the feeling of being loved. One who achieves these objectives also achieves worthiness and acceptance of vulnerability …show more content…

She states that the individuals who accept this are indeed the most strong because it takes a great deal of strength for anyone to be perceived as weak for their vulnerability. The author also discusses how only negative feelings come from comparing yourself to others who have more than you, emotionally or materialistically. This brings us back to the subject of wholeheartedness and how wholeheartedness is the acceptance that you are worthy and that everyone is good enough no matter what you may have. Brown also exposes what she believes is the myths of vulnerability. The myths, like I have previously stated, are that vulnerability is negative, people can somehow become immune to vulnerability, ‘oversharing’ can eliminate being vulnerable, overcoming vulnerability can be done alone and it can be avoided by not sharing your feelings/ emotions with anyone. She then proceeds to express that all of these myths can be overcome and bring to light only positive things. Part 4 of Brown’s book discusses shame resistance and how it is required for each person to face shame without losing their values and flipping shame into giving them more courage and self-identity. Once they face their …show more content…

When I was a freshman in high school I found my first love. My first love and I were in an off- again/on-again relationship for nearly four years. I was so overwhelmed with the attention and so-called love that I did not understand that my honesty and vulnerability was going to be taken advantage of significantly. He would be extremely loving one day and then the next he would be condescending and negative. When I would open up and tell him how I was feeling or why I was upset he would dismiss my feelings or make me feel insecure for even speaking my mind. It took me nearly four years to realize that I should not be defined as someone who should not express what I was feeling just because of an unhealthy relationship. My vulnerability took a tremendous blow and was almost non-existent by the time I was going into my senior year because I was filled with so much shame and hurt. My friendships and perspective relationships began to disintegrate because I fell into the myth of believing that vulnerability could be overcome alone. Over the span of a few months I began to open up again and I ended up finding my second love. We had the most perfect relationship at the very beginning so I began exposing my vulnerability, later I found that this was one of the biggest mistakes I had ever made. Similar to my ex, he began taking advantage of my vulnerability and used it against me to belittle

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