Breaking the ice

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We gathered supplies and ammunition from the attic and made our way to the truck. Amber insisted she drive, Eve made her way to the backseat and I took shotgun. We drove a couple miles with nobody saying a word, still thinking of what transpired recently. We came to a crossroad that had a sign that pointing east. Richard and Phillips Gas and Snack 3.4 miles ahead. We began heading east onto a dusty, desolate path lined with ditches running between two corn fields. I surveyed our surroundings and began to think of the wisdom of driving on the open road after dark. "We probably should make camp at the gas station coming up ahead." I said attempting to break the ice. Amber looked in the rearview mirror and notices Eve reading a magazine that was surprisingly in readable condition. "What you got there Eve?" Amber asks. "672 ways to look pretty for spring, flat abs and a great butt, how I got thin fast." Eve glanced up momentarily "Must be nice to care about only your looks." I looked up and laughed "Well when you don't have zombies trying to eat you society can afford to worry about superficial things." "Superficial? Oh like how you helped me back in Syracuse because you thought I was hot?" "Ummm?!" Amber looked back at Eve who had a smirk on her face. "Yeah for the most part what Leo said is correct except for Leo Zombie Apocalypse or not he still cares about physical appearance even though his clothes are dirty and hasn't bathed in I don't know how long." Clearly outwitted by Amber's response I decided to turn on the radio which only played static. Determined to cut the conversation off I turned on the CD player hoping whomever car this was still had a CD in it. I pushed play in Rob Zombie Dragula began to play. Normally any musi... ... middle of paper ... ...Look you guys I know Isamu asked you all to take me back to Zion but you two are not obligated to this like I said I can handle myself." "You froze up twice back at the warehouse you can cut the tough kid act " "Hey fuck you if it wasn't for Amber your ass would be dead!" "Fucking little brat!" "Hey you two stop it now! We need to work together if any of us will make it to Zion alive! Now look we all have our strengths and flaws lets not criticize each other okay?" Amber said "Oh and what flaws do I have Ms. Counselor Amber?!" "Well for starters you are really reckless." "Whatever" "Look guys we need to be focused because we have to go through Philly to get to Baltimore and the big city is no walk in the park." I looked at Amber and then looked at Eve her head in her knees again. "Lets get some sleep hopefully we wont run into much trouble when we get to Philly."

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