Brazil Culture Analysis

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Cultural Analysis of Brazil
What is culture? Culture is the characteristics that describe a certain group of people. Culture defines those groups of people through religion, language, food and arts among many more. Culture is made up of many long lived traditions passed on through different regions. Brazilian culture is one of the most diverse out there. Some would say it has similarities to American culture when relating it to a "melting pot". Over 75% of the country follows the Roman Catholic faith. The official language of Brazil is Portuguese due to mass Portuguese settlements in much earlier centuries. Brazilian culture has a main focus on family unity and most Brazilians have a large number of family members. With geographical size and population, Brazil is the largest country is South America. The country borders the Atlantic Ocean and is in the eastern part of the continent. …show more content…

Northeast Brazil has limited vegetation as it is the driest part of the country. While most of the country experiences hot temperatures in general, some regions do experience mild to cool winters however never cold enough for snow. Brazil is home to the famous Amazon rainforest which is home to many exotic plants and animals. Some challenges to agriculture growth and animal life is deforestation as well as acid rain. “Because of the rapid growth experienced by this country in terms of urban development, industrialization and population at the beginning of the 21st century, Brazil is facing a number of social, environmental and political challenges” (Meyer 2010). Over the years, Brazils infrastructure has been a topic of concern as the quality and quantity of growth seem to be lacking. One might be familiar with the recent 2016 Olympics in Rio and how many complaints were made about the unfinished quarters where people were staying and how the under developed the city

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