Brave Heart Movie Essay

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“I know you can fight, but our wits make us men.” This is one of the lines of the most brutal, tragic, and action packed film I have ever seen. That film would be Brave Heart, starring Mel Gibson. This film came out in 1995 and, for the last twenty years has been a movie that has touched millions. The historical background, the plot, character development, and political influence all mesh together perfectly to describe the Scottish revolution of sorts.
The movie starts off with a few men yelling around their village, they get no response and wander into a house, and find the gruesome sight of family and neighbors hung in the house. Young William Wallace walks into the scene and screams in terror. His father is one of the men already in the house and calms him down. William’s father gathers the men left and create a plan of attack. The plan ends up killing two men in the group and William’s father being one. William’s uncle comes to be his caretaker and teaches him how to fight and use his wits. When he is a grown man, he leaves his village and travels the world as a free spirit. Eventually, he gets bored and returns home. Right away he notices that one of his childhood friends, has turned into a stunning young woman. Murron is her name in the film, but in real life, her name was Marian. They have an instant …show more content…

This movie shows both fact and fiction and creates an atmosphere of tragedy, heartbreak, and passion. These three aspects thrown together meld a perfect, inspirational thriller. However, with the few above mentioned inaccuracies, it makes it difficult to place it in just one category. At this point, historians have claimed for both sides to hold the movie’s title, but neither one has enough supporting evidence to fully claim it. I would place Brave Heart in the fact category, with most of the movie being factual, it’s hard to do the

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