Brain Metaastases Research Paper

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Brain Metastases
Brain metastases or BM is a type of brain tumor that can be caused from different types of cancers that are in the body before or after treatment. Around 20-40% of cancer patients and 30-40% of people with regular Metastases can get BM therefore, it affects a lot of people. BM is usually not a huge tumor, it is mostly never longer than four centimeters in diameter for big lesions and no more than three centimeters in smaller lesions (Andrews, D. W.& Scott, C. B. 2005). Doctors can diagnose BM using symptoms and effects, it is also related to cancer, but it does have treatments in which different surgeons use different methods.
Symptoms and Effects of Brain Metastases
A way to tell if Brain metastases is occurring in a body is that the person will start to show symptoms headaches and seizures and will have had or have a brain tumor (de las Heras., et al., 2013). Doctors use MRIs to diagnose BM if patients are feeling these symptoms (Women's Health Weekly, 2017; Andrews, D. W., Scott, C. B., 2005). You can also tell if you check the gene signature because it BM has its own and it is 26. (Women's Health Weekly, 2017). Effects that BM can have on one’s person brain is that it could cause problems with their cognitive thinking and their memory (de las Heras., et al., 2013). Womens’s Health Weekly (2007) claims BM is going to …show more content…

Different doctors have their own preferable ways that they always use on their patients (de las Heras., et al., 2013; Martínez-García, 2015). One treatment is whole-brain therapy and that surgery can get out the BM that the doctors can visually see although others say that the fastest and the most efficient way to get rid of BM (de las Heras., et al., 2013). Also, according to Vilarino-Quintela a type of immunotherapy which is another type of surgery seemed successful to Mectastic melanoma can be altered to be viable for BM

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