Bowling For Columbine Gun Violence

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The documentary, Bowling for Columbine, is a strongly deceptive film which portrays America as a cruel, violent country. Although considered as an Academy Award Winning documentary, Bowling for Columbine fictionally depicts “gun violence” in the U.S; in reality gun violence is prevalent world wide. Guns are used for a multitude of reasons, not only violence towards others; It is ultimately the result of one’s personal actions and decisions. Regardless of the weapon, the person who uses it is responsible. In the documentary, Bowling for Columbine, Michael Moore provides a false perception of the overuse of guns in America, and deceives the viewers with angry humor and misleading examples. Michael Moore should win an award for being the most …show more content…

Regardless of the weapon they used, they had the nerve to walk into a quiet high school on April 20th, 1999, and murder 13 people; not to mention injure 21 other innocent teenagers. Whether these ruthless boys used bombs, knives, rocks, or guns—-they were mentally distraught enough to go through with what they did; Reason being, Eric and Dylan immediately committed suicide after doing such an awful deed to all of those blameless students. Guns are not the problem, utterly sick and irrational people are. Michael Moore used two gentlemen who were injured in the Columbine Massacre to manipulate, and ‘guilt trip’ an innocent company. He unspokenly blamed K-MART for the Columbine Massacre— only because they sold ammunition in their stores at the time of the massacre. Which does not make any logical sense what so ever. The killers were so twisted that they would have bought ammunition from anywhere, not just K-MART. As an end result in the documentary, K-MART had no choice than to do what Michael Moore asked for, only out of pity and respect for the handicapped young men he drug with him. This is one of the many deceitful actions committed within the documentary, Bowling For

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