Boston Revolution Causes

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Shortly after the American Revolution another began across the Atlantic Ocean in Europe. The French Revolution happened for the same reason it occurred in America for; the working class was fed up paying for the wealthy people through taxes. King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were enjoying lavish lifestyles whilst the Third Estate, or the working class were experiencing a rising cost in bread. Shortly after the Tennis Court Oath where the Third Estate concurred to unite as one to defy the king's taxes. Shortly after this oath the Third Estate stormed the Bastille Prison on July 14th, 1789 in order to raid the weaponry. The revolution took a turn for the worst when the Reign of Terror took its tole on France. Led by Robespierre many were guillotined including the king and queen. Robespierre was eventually overthrown and faced the same consequence as the king and queen. Leading to Napoleon Bonaparte seizing power and becoming emperor of France. Therefore, not much change occurred from the Revolution. …show more content…

This bloody event was known as the Boston Massacre one of the more well known events leading us to the American Revolution. The first battle of an 8 year war for independence broke out in 1775 at Lexington and Concord. A leading cause for Americans declaring independence came from Britain's“taxation without representation” through the Stamp Act, Sugar Act and Tea Act. 1 year into the war American leader were fed up and held a meeting in Independence Hall where they created and signed the Declaration of Independence where Americans declared freedom from Britain. After many deaths Americans held their ground with aid from France, given after the Battle of Saratoga. Achieving independence from Britain in 1783 showed that Americans could compete with a superpower like Britain. Americans were left feeling proud of their accomplishment and ready to run their own

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