Boston Massacre Event

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Untold Events of the Boston Massacre It was the end of another cold and snowy February in 1770, I was worried about my beautiful wife Gracie and sweet little girl Lilly. My two favorite girls in the world, Gracie a big-hearted, long braided brunette, with big green eyes. Then Lilly my little sweetheart with big beautiful blue eyes, a short little braid mimicking Gracie’s, and a sweet welcoming smile everytime I see her. That smile when I see her… I come home to my little family tonight I miss them so much I can’t wait. “Hey Maddix!” I hear from Johnny across the room. Johnny, my best friend from as long as I can remember, His long brunette hair with blue eyes and that mean grin when he’s joking. I am just like him just with short hair and …show more content…

Cause our camp area was apparently “dirty” so we have to stay and clean it, and as punishment we have to stay another night. I was angered with him. I wanted to see my little girl and my beautiful wife after all they are gonna be worried that I’m not coming home when the next group is leaving and my group is coming home to their families and I’m not. They would know if I was dead, because their would have to be a war and there wasn’t one I was training to go to war with the Patriots. So I know that I’m not dead. I help clean up “our“ camp. Then I think myself to …show more content…

They wanted to start war. Two weeks later they attacked. Captain Preston called John and I in and we were in the riot. There were sticks stones and snowballs being thrown at us. I was hit by a large stone I was in horrible pain. It hit me in the head close to my eye. I had an instant headache. About 50 people were attacking our squad of Loyalists. We were instructed to fire into the mob. We killed 2 men and badly wounded 8 that day. Later on we were called on trial for manslaughter. We were guilty and the Captain was killed in the square, and we were gonna be killed too but we were saved. We were gonna be killed that day but John’s wife saved us. She made a good case and the judge let us go home for good. No more war and no more fighting. I never had to fight in the war again. The American War was caused because of the Boston Massacre. I got to stay and watch my family grow until the end of my

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