Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration

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In the documentary “Border War: The Battle Over Illegal Immigration” I had the opportunity to view material that I’ve had only little knowledge of. I was amazed how the South and Southwest part of the country that border Mexico handle things in regards of the immigration laws. Without noticing previously, I spot the three types of audience appeal were in use which was emotional, logic, and character appeal. These appeals contribute to the authors purpose and ways of getting a reaction and understanding from the audience. Lupe Moreno was telling how she lost her mother and childhood, because of her father’s action of smuggling illegal immigrants and then use his house, where his daughter stayed, as a safe house for those he smuggled in. Lupe Moreno was mistreated and molested throughout her childhood and was married at the age of 13. This is an example of emotional appeal, because as a result of the author throwing out this information it drew me in emotionally to side with that part of the argument. …show more content…

They claim that their land was clearly stolen by U.S. official. By stolen they mean bought by for a cheap price. The author simply uses this reaction to show character appeal to the

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