Boone Central Elementary School Classroom Observation

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After observing two consecutive days in Mrs. Flinn’s fourth grade classroom at Boone Central Elementary, it was interesting to compare and contrast the two different checklists. The checklists were very similar. On both days, descriptive praise was given, positive engagement was occurring, schedules and routines were posted/reviewed, transition strategies were utilized, and class rules were posted/reviewed. There were three categories that differed a little bit overall: predicable routines, teaching positive peer-related social skills, and transition warnings.

Predictable Routines: On Wednesday, the activities I observed weren’t very predictable. Because students were just given a big chunk of time to work on their projects, the beginning, …show more content…

Flinn didn’t spend any time teaching positive peer-related social skills. The students were just given time to work, and there weren’t any situations that arose where these specific skills needed to be addressed. On Thursday, Mrs. Flinn took a few minutes to talk with the students about how to separate themselves from classmates who they seem to get into more trouble with and how to have an appropriate conversation in that situation. I feel that the differences from Wednesday to Thursday here can be described by the specific activities taking place and the change in student behaviors. I thought Mrs. Flinn very appropriately added this social skill lesson into the school day on Thursday with the AR party occurring in the afternoon. I could tell that the student behavior since Wednesday had escalated because of their excitement. I think that lessons on social skills are more meaningful and much better received at specific “teachable” moments like these, because students are able to take what they learn and apply it to their lives right at that moment. Because of this, I feel that teaching positive peer-related social skills may be sprinkled into the curriculum when it fits best; it may not happen every single

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