Book Summary: The Sports Gene

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The book “The Sports Gene” was not only a very good read but also it was also extremely intriguing. While reading, some of the main points were clearly stated in the form of “theories” or studies that scientists or students conducted to clearly determine if there is a “sports gene” in humans. Some of the questions you ask yourself is how can that person run so fast or how can that person jump so high. How the book was laid out was in short somewhat stories of a pro athlete or someone that conducted an experiment to determine how that person became a pro. An example of this is when the book talks about the 10000 hour rule. Its crazy to think that if someone practices any sport for 10000 hours that they may possibly become a pro and there is no specific gene that ties pros and non-pros together. The book also talks many times on how there is a significant difference between pros and non pros just …show more content…

When looking at the quality and style of the book we notice a few things that are a lot different from other books that I have read. In the book the main content was solely bases on interviews with pro athletes, Olympic medalists and scientists that either have proved people wrong with their extremely fast softball pitch or someone that is known worldwide like the Jamaican runners in the Olympics. The author clumped the stories of many of these athletes and added physiologically evidence to back up the stories. He also really related the stories to questions that an everyday person would ask themselves, for example “Why didn’t I get that gene to be able to run that fast or have that fast of reflexes?” and when reading all these questions were answered with scientific physiological reasoning which I thought was really interesting. The quality of the book was excellent and to my surprise it was a great

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